The Leadership Journal2024-07-09T12:51:38-04:00

The Nonprofit Dilemma Leadership Journal

The place for intellectual discourse on how to build better nonprofit organizations.

As a companion to The Nonprofit Dilemma book, the Leadership Journal is a place to share ideas, and to empower future leaders.

  • This is a place to inspire and help purpose-driven nonprofit leaders.
  • The visitors to this place are working in countless ways to make the world a better place.
  • Let’s help them the best we can.

And for the readers of my book—yes, the pic is of that plumeria! The photos used in this blog are personal photos I’ve taken.

If you would like to be alerted when new articles are posted, follow me on LinkedIn or follow @dcarmijo on X. I am also active on reddit and post under NonprofitDilemma.

Image of a yellow Plumeria in the sunlight
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